November 2023 Membership Meeting
SWNA's bi-monthly membership meeting is Monday, Nov. 27th, 7:00 @ Woodlawn Christian Church. Come and enjoy a hearty bowl comfort food - soup and fixings (vegetarian/vegan options included) - along with the meeting.
Come hear from our police liaison about what's been happening in our neighborhood. Tommy Smith, our 1st District Council Representative will be on hand to give us the State of the 1st District report and take questions.
You will hear from chairs of our various committees. Come learn more about these committees and their work and get involved if their work is of interest.
All are welcome to attend. Come hear about exciting activities and projects in which SWNA is currently involved. Be a part of planning future projects that interest you. Bring a friend!
Meeting starts at 7:00 at the Woodlawn Christian Church.