MARCH 2023 Membership Meeting
Join your neighbors as we welcome Paul James and Jack Neely from the Knoxville History Project as presenters at our meeting.
The Knoxville History Project is working on a book about the history of South Knoxville. They would like to talk to us about the project and hopefully learn some new stories and find folks who may have photos, etc.
NOTE: they are also co-hosting a lunchtime event with the Knox County Museum of Educationon Tuesday, March 21 at noon.
So, dig out any photos you may have and jot down stories about our area and bring them to the meeting!
ALSO we will be holding our annual elections in March. Our nominating committee - Tim Saults and Debbie Sharp - have been calling folk to see if they are interested in helping guide the direction of our neighborhood association. We will be electing the following positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, 3 district representatives and 4 at-large representatives.
We will also hear from our police liaison and our City Council Representative, Tommy Smith.
All are welcome to attend. Come hear about exciting activities and projects in which SWNA is currently involved. Be a part of planning future projects that interest you. Bring a friend!
Meeting starts at 7:00 at the Woodlawn Christian Church.